Sunday, August 05, 2012

A Comic A Day # 4 -- Avengers # 30 (Volume Two)

I did read the comic yesterday, but I wasn't able to write a review until now.  Sorry.  Extra blog post for this evening!

Avengers # 30

Kulan Gath prepares to sacrifice Pelali, the Avengers, and the whole damn village so that he can become a god.   Luckily, Iron Man figures out a way for the army to enter and remain normal.   Also, Giant-Man is able to break out and a battle ensues.  People are transformed into monsters and demons and other insanity ensues.   Ultimately, Silverclaw reaches out to her villagers and their faith weakens Kulan Gath.   Gath prepares to kill her, but our mystery man from last issue blasts him from the shadows.   Kulan Gath prepares the scarfice Pelali anyways and when he does, a portal opens.  The "dark ones" that granted him his power are pissed and drag him into it.  Pelali dies, regretting shunning her daughter, but knowing time is up.  Silverclaw goes back home with the Avengers, and is even granted a spot as a reservist.   Meanwhile, hiding out in the back of the Quinjet is none other than YELLOWJACKET?!  Say whaaaaa?!


The less said about Kulan Gath, the better.   I found this story to be way too long.  This could have been covered in two issues.   He's clearly a danger, but I just don't feel intimidated by him. 

We did some get some good characterization, though.   Silverclaw's come full circle with her origin and I'm glad to see her among the Avengers.  She should add some new drama to the gang.   Triathlon seems to have lost that chip on his shoulder and is showing signs of melding in with the rest of the team.  She-Hulk is as fun as ever.

The big twist with Yellowjacket suprised me when I read this years ago.  I remember wondering this had some sort of connection with Avengers Forever (like he had gotten time lost at some point).   I don't quite remember the hows and whys of this subplot, but it's a neat little wrinkle.

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