X-Men Unlimited # 1, X-Factor # 90-91, Uncanny X-Men # 298-300, X-Men # 20-23, Uncanny X-Men Annual # 8, Uncanny X-Men # 301-302
It's not a good time to be an X-Man. Targeted by the Upstarts and dealing with a new disease that is going after Mutants, the rumors of Magneto's return do not make matters any better. Let's break it down . . .
X-Men Unlimited # 1 deals with the newest addition to the Upstarts, a young woman named Siena Blaze. She has the power to, um, make things go "boom" and disrupt the electro-magnetic spectrum. She targets Xavier, Cyclops, and Storm as they head home from visiting Ka-Zar in the Savage Land. The three of them must then survive in the shattered hull of the Blackbird after being gunned down. It ain't easy, but it allows for some great character interaction. (I think Scott's struggle over saying "Charles" is kinda stupid though) We also get a nice mystery. Xavier, who spotted a structure as they crashed, heads out to find it. He's rescued, but by whom? Hmmm. A confrontation with Blaze follows, and the three X-Men are rescued by Bishop and Pyslocke.
Over on Genosha, X-Factor tracks down a Mutate with a very deadly disease. They succeed, but not without Multiple Man being exposed to it.
Uncanny X-Men # 298-300 has the X-Men facing off with the Acolytes. It turns out that Magneto's death has inspired a cult-like following with disenchanted Mutants. They first attack a school for handicapped children, believing that one of the kids is a Mutant. The X-Men intervine, but only after Sharon Frielander (from waaaay back) is killed.
Meanwhile, Forge and Gyrich find the remains of Asteroid M and Xavier goes on Nightline with Senator Kelly and Graydon Creed (leader of the group "Friends of Humanity"). As they debate Mutantkind's place with humanity, the Upstarts meet up and plan. It's revealed the Cortez is a member of the Upstarts, gaining a lot of points by killing Magneto.
After Nightline is over with, the X-Men Gold Team (plus Cyclops and Wolverine) head off to a French Castle to take the fight to the Acolytes. A typical battle follows, with Cortez being left gravely injured by Wolverine, then teleported away. When Cortez returns to the Acolytes (who retreated or something), it's revealed that there is evidence that his points don't matter because Magneto might be alive. Back at the mansion, Illyana is sick and getting worse. Xavier and Moria fear that it is same disease that infected the Mutates back on Genosha.
The Blue Team ain't fairing much better. The mounting flirtations between Pyslocke and Cyclops explodes when she kisses him. Scott flips out, goes upstairs, packs his bags and leaves. Storm tries to talk him out of it (considering all the drama she just went through with Forge), but he pushes her away. Jean goes to confront him, but he says nothing to her and leaves her in tears. He's getting good at that. Jean, pissed as hell, goes to Betsy to get some answers. More questions arise when ANOTHER Pyslocke appears, she in her old, European. An overly-compliacted story follows, but here's the gist: Pyslocke appeared on the docks in Japan after she went into the Siege Perilous. A Ninja Assassin named Kwannon found her, some crazy mind-meld followed, and both ended with scrambled minds. As the end of the day, Pyslocke is Psylocke and Revanche (European body) is Half-Psylocke and Half-Kwannon.
As all this unfolds, Cyclops is confronted by Mr. Sinister and learns about the Legacy Virus, which was released as the end of the X-Cutioner's Song. A vacation to Alaska never ends well for Scott.
Uncanny X-Men Annual # 8 features a human assassin named the Executioner going after Mastermind. The X-Men show up first and are pulled into Mastermind's mind. This allows for a unique look at all that has been happening lately through Jean's eyes. Mastermind, as it turns out, also has the Legacy Virus. Colossus suffers yet another blow - this one to the head, preventing him from returning to his human form.
Uncanny X-Men # 301-302 has a showdown with Fitzroy. Colossus, uber-pissed, let's loose on the guy. Plus, Illyana just keeps getting worse . . .
I have to credit the writer's here. A fine job is done in making the Legacy Virus into a real threat, one that is slowly cirlcing the X-Men, chipping away at them slowly. The Upstarts are the other show-stealers, coming off much better than they did the first time they appeared.
Lobdell is the winner above all though. As much as I love Nicieza, the whole Pyslocke story is too complicated and really, not necessary. The Cyclops story is good, but it's overshadowed by the insanity of the Pyslocke story.
Lobdell, however, brings in a more personal flair. We get into Jean's head, really taking in the insanity that has been her life. I'll admit that of all the characters we've seen post-Claremont, Jean has been the hardest one to relate to. But Lobdell (and Nicieza to an extent) nails it. He also brings in some good angst for Peter, who really has been stagnate since the 190s.
The art is fairly good, though I find Andy Kubert lacking at times.
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