Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Uncanny X-Periment # 51: "The Tragedy of Wolverine"

Wolverine # 55-57, X-Men # 12-13

Wolverine goes to Japan to rescue Jubilee from customs, which sets off quite the terrible series of events. Hydra (led by his former love, Silver Fox) activates the former female Reaver Cyclia and has her hunt him down. Meanwhile, the Hand goes after Logan as well, and end up fighting Sunfire and Gambit - all the while, negotiating with Mariko to cut off their ties with his Clan (so she can ultimately marry Logan).

Both the Hand and Hydra catch up to Logan and manipulate Mariko into getting herself posioned. Once posioned, she begs Wolverine to kill her. He does and it's sad.

Meanwhile, Logan confronts Xavier over some of his files linking up with some of his own. This makes Logan mad, of course. Professor X goes off to investigate and eventually comes into contact with a childhood friend, Carter Ryking, whose father worked with Kurt Marko and Brian Xavier. Supposedly, the nuclear facility they worked at was a cover for a genetics lab. Unfortunately, Carter (aka Hazard) is unable to control his powers. Xavier helps him, but at the cost of the facility and any valuable information.

These are both interesting stories, though they really don't have much to do with each save Wolerine being a prominent connection. The Mariko story is interesting, though it certainly lacks subtly that I would have wanted from such a major Wolverine event.

The Hazard story is just as interesting and I can tell that the creative teams have stablized themselves since taking over the reigns from Claremont and Jim Lee. However, it lacks in the payoff (which it's touched on for nine years), and comes off pretty mediocre.


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