Saturday, October 26, 2013

Uncanny X-Periment Up-date!

Hey Muties!

I wanted to give you guys an up-date on the X-Periment, those that read this.  The "50 Best X-Men Stories" is far from a weekly feature, unfortunately.  Kids and work just make projects like this difficult.   The goal is the have the next three installments out by the end of the year, with #30-20 out within the next two weeks.

With that out of the way, I do also want to announce the end of the Uncanny X-Periment proper, with the events of Battle of the Atom, the X-Men's 50th anniversary event.  The thought process behind this is that there are five X-Men titles, proper . . . and that's not counting Uncanny Avengers.   I don't have time to figure out the jigsaw puzzle that is continunity at this time.   The 50th anniversary events feels like the best time to bring this to a close.

Now all that being said, I'm still going to be doing some up-dates to the blog itself as I go along reading comics.  The end of X-Periment also means I'll be posting my conclusions to the X-Periment.   Exciting!

So stay tuned!

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