Thursday, February 21, 2008

Uncanny X-Periment # 147: "Red Data"

X-Men Annual 2006, X-Men # 194-198, Cable and Deadpool # 40, X-Men # 199, Cable and Deadpool # 41

Rogue, Mystique, and Cable take the comatose Northstar and Aurora to the SHIELD Helicarrier in an attempt to fix their minds. When they do, Exodus, Frenzy, Tempo, and Random show up and use Cable’s knowledge to create an advanced Cerebra that allows him to look for Mutant babies or even potential Mutant babies. Exodus finds nothing and with help from the restored Beauber twins, takes off with his gang . . . and meets with Sinister.

The X-Men finally get a lead on Pan and it turns out to be a doctor that Rogue went to see when she first joined the X-Men. An old colleague for Professor X’s. The X-Men track him down, when Rogue is captured and has her powers changed. Turns out Pan has given himself her powers, except with the ability to steal someone’s entire life and in the process, killing them. An X-Men rumble follows and Rogue emerges with this new addition added to her power, but also dying and feverish. With Pan defeated thanks to quick thinking from Sabretooth and Cable, the X-Men head to Providence Island (Cable’s island paradise) to deal with Rogue.

It’s then that it’s revealed that the old man that appeared at the X-Men’s doorstep was a Mummudrai. It hitched a ride with Lady Mastermind after the old man collapsed and in due time, it reveals to the X-Men that it was captured by Shi’ar scientists and was copied and mimicked to create the Hentacomb, a weapon that rips minds out of bodies and captures them. Cable and Mummudrai mind-meld while Providence titters on the edge of being destroyed. He tries to tackle the Hentacomb, but then Rogue steps in, absorbs the 8 billion minds inside the Hentacomb, and the Conquisdor smashes into it. After the X-Men leave, Sabretooth escapes and fights Deadpool before Cable tosses him into the ocean.

While I’m not overly impressed with both Pan and Hentacomb, I do have to credit Carey (and Nicieza) for their character work. The stories are noting to write home about, but the characterization and character development is on high. Rogue gets some great new additions to her increasingly unstable personality. Mystique’s apparent love of her foster daughter is a nice layer – as well as her flirting with Iceman. The Cable/Cannonball relationship is an enjoyable feature. The instability and distrust when it comes to Sabretooth and Mastermind adds some chemistry.

Even the guest-stars are enjoyable here. Exodus is actually cool in this story as we continue to learn the ever-increasing damage done by M-Day. Domino, Deadpool, Irene, and the other X-Men are used well here.

The art is hit and miss, but I enjoy the way in which the Mummudrai and the Hentacomb are presented. Very neat.

I guess we’re supposed to assume the X-Men picked up Creed or something, because he’s back at the mansion for our next story.


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