X-Man # 15-17, Wolverine # 97-100, Uncanny X-Men # 332, Wolverine # 101, Cable # 32, Uncanny X-Men # 333, X-Force # 33, X-Men # 51-52, X-Men Unlimited # 10
In the aftermath of his battle with Cable, Nate Grey and Threnody head to a small Greek island to relax. However, this gets disrupted when Holocaust is recruited by Onslaught and goes off to bring Nate to him. A wild battle follows, one that Nate eventually wins. Threnody then suggests that Nate goes off and gets help. But Nate hates all those that "wear the colors of Xavier," so she recommends the Avengers!
Wolverine, then, um, goes on a really strange interdimensional trip provided by the Madripoor law offices of Ladau, Luckman, and Lake. This eventually lands him in the hands of Cable's mad son, Tyler aka. Genesis. Genesis plans on giving Logan his Adamantium back, then making him the newest Horsemen of Apocalypse - Death. It turns out that Genesis has somehow recovered Apocalypse's body and put it in a tomb within his citadel. Cannonball shows up and helps Logan out. However, the Adamantium bonding process gets rejected and Logan transforms into something more animal than man. He then kills Genesis while Cannonball discovers that the tomb Apocalypse was placed in is now empty!
The X-Men head to Egypt to find the uber-feral Wolverine and find that he is hanging out the pure-stone chronciler Ozymadias. Remember him? Anywhoo, some battle or another follows. Ozymadias goes into hiding.
Cable, reeling from the death of his son, heads to Camp Hayden, where the Sentinals were stolen with the word "Onslaught" the only clue. Unforunately, as opposed to last time, the angst-ridden Cable and Domino run into trouble. They escape with no new evidence of who or what Onslaught is. What they don't know is that Post was following them around.
The X-Men then conduct a secret observation of a meeting between various world powers regarding the Mutant problem. They discover a man named Bastian, who is planning on activating a military Mutant battilon called "Operation: Zero Tolerance." Bastian also knows a fair amount about Onslaught and is able to pick out Gambit and Phoenix out of the crowd on military brass. The pair of X-Men are then rescued by Onslaught, who tells Jean it's a gift.
Meanwhile, Cyclops was meeting with Senator Kelly, who warned Scott of, well, Operation: Zero Tolerance. This is then followed by an explosion that takes both Scott and the Senator out. Scott is taken captive, but is then rescued by Cable and X-Force.
The X-Men then learn of a massive genetic spike aboard of runaway train. Bishop, Gambit and Dark Beast in Beast's clothing head to check it out. Gambit and Bishop do a great, crazy stunt to stop the train. Dark Beast then discovers that all of the passengers have mutated, but only for a limited time. The trio are then captured by Sinister, who plays with Bishop's memories, confirming that the AoA does indeed exist. Dark Beast, freaked out by Sinister, encourages Gambit to flip out. Gambit does and tricks Sinister. Sinister gets beaten temporarily and runs off. The X-Men head on home.
Also, Graydon Creed throws in his bid for President. And Psylocke and Archangel encounter a strange shadow being at Warren Colorado home, where the two are recovering.
Joseph, the younger and amnesic Magneto, ends up joining a hate group called Humanity's Last Stand, which is sponsered by Bastian and Operation: Zero Tolerance. Humanity's Last Stand captured Rogue, which makes it clear to Joseph that he's fallen with the wrong crowd. He and Rogue take out their base, tossle with some of the stragglers. Rogue, not quite sure what to think of Joseph, decides to drive him up Xavier's.
While reading this batch, I kept thinking about a scene from an old issue where Magneto warns Banshee that a war is coming between humans and Mutants. Here, it's so very clear. We've got the mysterious uber-Mutant Onslaught out gathering Mutants like Holocaust, Post, plus Blob, Mimic, and a bunch of Sentinals. On the other side, there's Bastian, Operation: Zero Tolerance, Graydon Creed, and Humanity's Last Stand. Not to mention the implied returned of Apocalypse. It really feels like that long-predicted war is becoming a reality.
Great job to all parties with rise in tension. You can feel the worry and concern over these two rising enemies throughout this group. There's good character building, but most of it on Wolverine and Cable. It's taken a bit of a backseat, but that's all right.
A nice batch with some great planting of the seeds. Exciting stuff.
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