Friday, June 23, 2006

Uncanny X-Periment # 38: "Gambit"

Uncanny X-Men # 265-269

One name defines these issues and it isn't the one in the title. It's Jim Lee. His art here is amazing. Breathtaking. Detailed. His renditions of Captain America, Rogue, Wolverine, Psylocke, and Magneto are top-notch - perhaps even making him the best X-Men artist to ever grace these pages.

Uncanny X-Men # 265-267 revolve around the de-aged Storm and her running away from both Nanny and the Shadow King. Gambit shows up, rescues her, and takes her in. Gambit (far from my fave character) comes off likeable and pretty damn cool. His taking of Storm under his wing happens a little too fast for my tastes, but it's a good story for the most part.

Uncanny # 268 deals with Wolverine, Black Widow, Psylocke, and Jubilee going after the Hand. This is coupled with a great flashback, in which we see Captain America fighting side-by-side with Wolverine. The story in the flashback is great, but the one in the present fizzles out.

Uncanny # 269 is one my favorite issues for no other reason than it made me like Rogue. I always felt that Rogue was a bit of an odd fit in the X-Men. She was pretty much regulated by whatever was going on around, never really doing her own thing. This really set her loose, and turned into a sexy, sweet, and tough southern gal.


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