Friday, May 12, 2006

Uncanny X-Periment # 31: "Before the Fall"

Uncanny X-Men # 220-224

The X-Men battle the Marauders once more as Storm seeks Forge for the restoration of her powers. And that's pretty much it.


The Marauders, led by Mr. Sinister, take another shot at killing Maddie. Luckily, Maddie is rescued by the X-Men, who are being commanded by Wolverine. Storm is off with Naze (Forge's mentor and really the villain known as the Adversary in disguise), looking for Forge in the hope that he can restore her powers.

It's an interesting point, if not a little dull. Not a big fan of Storm's "spirit quest," but I like Wolverine's X-Men. He's such a different leader than Storm, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler as he's far more ruthless and quite blunt. It puts him in a different light - one that suits him surprisingly well.

In the end, we're building up to the "Fall of the Mutants," with the Adversary being unleashed and the Freedom Fighters looking to hunt down the X-Men.

Marc Silverstri is on art and it's fairly good. I like Claremont's use of the newbies, too.


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