Uncanny X-Men # 410-416, X-Men Unlimited # 44
We'll get to Chuck in a bit . . .
I decided to include these issues as it fits together the best. However, it makes for some unfortunate continunity glitches - which are apparent, as continunity just doesn't seem like it was a priority back then. Oh well . . .
The X-Men head across the ocean to a castle in response to an emergency call we discover was placed by the Juggernaut to help his buddy Black Tom, who has gone totally plant. The X-Men break out, Warren turns to white, Black Tom kinda vanishes, and a slowly depowering Juggernaut decides to bum out at the mansion for a while.
In the meantime, Professor X brings in a new student, a fish-boy by the name of Sammy. Scott finds out that Alex is in a hospital and that a nurse named Annie is in love with said comstose Alex. She, Alex, and her son Carter (secretly a Mutant) all head to the mansion.
Eventually, Northstar is invited to join the team as a teacher. He pretty much rejects, but after desperately trying to save the life of a blowing up Mutant teen, he agrees and joins the X-Men - again, kinda. Iceman, as it turns out, is slowly turning into ice. Stacy hates Husk, M popped by, and the X-Men fought some teens that torture animals.
Out of the gate, it's not too bad. On the art-side, Garney is doing an admirable job. Phillips is the better of the pair, this time around, as he really captures the darkness and angst in the comic. There's a recurring theme about child abuse that is just a little too heavy-handed for my tastes and really, when read like this, it's just way too much. Esspecially combined with the animal abuse story.
Austen's point? Don't abuse children or animals.
I'm not sold on Annie. Northstar is handled fairly well. Stacy isn't; I really think that Austen just doesn't know what to do with her. Blame that on Casey, though.
So, we're off! It all goes down-hill from here . . .
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