Thursday, March 02, 2006

Uncanny X-Periment # 4: "Factor Three"

The Uncanny X-Men # 28-39

And we continue onward.

This is an interesting story arc, here, as all of these issues deal with the threat of Factor Three. Factor Three spends most of their time in the background, capturing Xavier, brainwashing then capturing Banshee, releasing the Juggernaut, and sends a robotic spider-like sentry against the X-Men.

While Factor Three works in the background, the X-Men handle some "filler" villians, such as Dominius (loser), Super-Adaptiod (annoying), Warlock (wha-huh?), and Cobalt Man (Iron Man rip-off with an hypnotized guy in the armor). While these baddies suck up to high heaven, we're once more given some great characterization. Scott and Jean finally hook up, making my inner shipper go "Eeeee!" (I cheated and included two panels from a Classic X-Men # 44 which has their previously unseen first kiss). Iceman turns 18, Warren gets a new girlfriend, and the team has to make nice-nice with Mimic.

Mimic sticks around for just a bit, but not for too long. He's powers eventually die out, but that's okay. He's a jerk anyways. Banshee appears and comes off as a potent character.

There are all sorts of nice little tidbits throughout this portion of X-Men mythos. Xavier playing "brother's keeper" to Cain Marko; the aforementioned hook-up of Scott and Jean; and Warren listening to the Beatles. Two of the "filler" issues stand head and shoulders above the best simply because it has these little entertaining tidbits in it. One is a confrontation with Spider-Man, which is humorous in it of itself. Another is the X-Men's need to get to Europe, but have lack of money, fuel, or any other means to get there. They spend the entire issue trying to get their way to Europe and finally get it in a nice twist of luck.

The confrontation with Factor Three is pretty cool. The Mutant Master putting the X-Men on trial for crimes against Mutantkind is an interesting concept and the whole "ignite the Cold War" is (while dated) fairly compelling. There's some nice pay-off when the true Mutant Master is revealed and the Evil Mutants, the X-Men, and the former member of Factor Three (Changling, who becomes important later) takes down the Mutant Master.

At the end, the X-Men are re-soldified in their goals and even get new costumes! Yay!

These issues are far better than the previous ones, on account of a good storyarc, great characterization, and tremendous action!


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